Clinica Medica Bressan
Oral surgery carried out in the Dental Center involves the extraction of dental elements or root residues of either permanent or deciduous teeth. Extractions are carried out including teeth whose pre-operative study is entrusted to a careful pre-operative radiographic evaluation by means of orthopantomography or CT scan.
Endodontic surgery is also performed in which root apices are removed from teeth that cannot be treated with traditional endodontics, pre-prosthetic and peri-implant surgery (sinus lift, guided bone reconstruction, hard and soft tissue reconstruction).
Our Dental Center has a highly equipped structure, which allows you to perform the interventions in an environment dedicated exclusively to surgery.
Extractive Surgery
There are cases in which, despite the best attention and technology available, some teeth may no longer be salvable.
It can occur in the following cases:
- severe forms of periodontal disease that have led to a total or almost total resorption of the supporting bone and consequent high mobility of the tooth itself;
- presence of very deep caries that has also compromised the roots in an irreparable way;
- vertical fractures of the tooth root;
- unfavorable position of the tooth (e.g. including wisdom teeth).
In our Dental Center the extractions are performed, as well as with the traditional method, also with piezoelectric technology (PIEZOSURGERY). It is a surgical method that allows to intervene in the bone tissues, with the utmost precision and minimal invasiveness.
Extraction of wisdom teeth
The extraction of third molars or wisdom teeth is one of the most frequent acts that are performed in oral surgery.
The third molars are the most posterior permanent elements in the dental arches and are also the elements that form and erupt later (between 17 and 25 years) and are often affected by malformative or position disorders.
It happens very often that the wisdom teeth do not have enough space to erupt in the arch and that they remain included in the bone. Alternatively, it may happen that these elements erupt, partially or entirely, but with an incorrect position.
Impacted teeth can cause pain, becoming infected, causing damage to the teeth and / or adjacent structures or even giving rise to cysts of the jaw.
Nobody can predict when an impacted tooth will cause complications, but their occurrence can be much more painful and with increasing age and therefore the surgical therapy may be more complex.
Endodontic surgery
Apicoectomy is the intervention of choice when it is not possible to cure the tooth that has an apical lesion, by means of a normal root canal treatment (devitalization) carried out through the crown of the tooth.
Apicoectomy represents the surgical removal of the root apex of a tooth and surrounding soft tissues affected by pathological conditions such as granulomas or cysts or abscesses.
Pre-implant bone reconstruction
Pre-prosthetic surgery is the branch of oro-maxillofacial surgery that deals with the problems related to atrophy, more or less severe, of the upper jaw and / or mandible.
In patients suffering from this pathology, it is often impossible to apply a dental prosthesis, due to the scarce quantity of bone.
The pre-prosthetic surgery techniques allow the reconstruction of the maxillary bones, both vertically and transversally, i.e. in height and thickness.
Sinus lift
Sinus lift is an advanced surgical technique.
Bone reconstruction of the upper jaw is often a mandatory step before proceeding with implant rehabilitation.
The use of bone grafting procedures becomes necessary in order to restore sufficient bone volumes for implant-prosthetic rehabilitation.
The maxillary sinus is a bony cavity located to the side of the nasal passages with which it is in direct communication. Inferiorly this cavity adjoins the roots of the posiriori upper teeth. When the teeth are lost, the lack of these induces a resorption of the bone which results in a reduction in the thickness of the bone wall that separates the sinus and the oral cavity. an elevation of the maxillary sinus by inserting new bone at the level of the sinus itself capable of recreating that dimension that has been lost over time.
After this operation, they wait 5-8 months for the insertion of the implants, after the period of osseointegration of the implants about 2-3 months we proceed with the prosthetic phase on the implants. In some cases it is possible to place the implants at the same time as rising.
Guided bone regeneration
Guided bone regeneration (GBR) is a surgical technique that allows, through the use of filling material and membranes (resorbable and non-resorbable), the formation of new bone, to reconstruct an atrophic alveolar ridge, before or in conjunction with implant insertion, in order to stabilize the implants and recreate a favorable functional aesthetic appearance.
The intervention consists in positioning and stabilizing a membrane, supported by graft material, in the area where we want to regenerate new bone.
The membrane positioned in the atrophic area has the function of stabilizing the graft material in such a way that after 6-9 months, it transforms into new bone tissue, thus making possible the optimal positioning and osseointegration of the implants.
The block graft
The block graft is a technique used to regenerate the resorbed bone both in height and in thickness in the various sectors of the oral cavity.
The intervention consists in placing blocks of bone and grafting them in the area where we need to increase the amount of bone in order to insert the implants. The bone blocks will be suitably fixed and modeled, so as to facilitate integration with the pre-existing bone bases. After 6 - 8 months, once the thickness or height has been increased, it will then be possible to proceed with the correct insertion of the implants.