Clinica Medica Bressan
Dental implantology
Du.Val. Servizi Dental is a leader in dental implantology, places 1000 implants in a year and employs a team of internationally renowned surgeons during Social Dental Implantology events that Du.Val. organizes every month.
Dental implants represent the optimal solution for missing teeth, both from a functional and aesthetic point of view. For several years we have been carrying out, in addition to traditional implant therapy, immediate loading, which allows the positioning of the fixed prosthesis on the implant within the first twenty-four hours.
Oral implantology is the branch of dentistry that deals with replacing missing teeth with artificial roots positioned in the bone. Dental implants can support single teeth, groups of teeth or can also serve as a support for a complete denture (so-called denture). It should be remembered that the use of the implant solution allows the natural teeth adjacent to the space to be filled to be preserved intact, as the prosthetic implantation does not involve the natural teeth.

Du.Val. is also highly specialized in immediate loading implantology, bone regeneration, sinus lift, large sinus lift and oral surgery.
The objective of any type of implant is however to achieve total osseointegration: direct, intimate contact between newly formed bone tissue and the titanium surface of the positioned dental implants; once the implants have been functionalized, subjecting them to load, they must have stability
and be clinically effective (no pain, no mobility, etc)
The endo-bone implants are made of titanium: an absolutely bio-compatible material with bone tissue.
An endosseous implant is inserted directly into the bone by means of a specific bone preparation. The implants can have screw, cylindrical, conical shapes: they also differ in the type of surface and the shape of the spirals of the implants. Once the implants had a smooth (machined) surface, now the surfaces are rough, treated with different technologies and all have the aim of promoting osseointegration which is therefore achieved much more quickly than in the past.
In implant-based rehabilitation, the implant unit must be considered as a substitute for the tooth root. From a prosthetic-aesthetic point of view, the implants must be arranged in such a way as to obtain the desired result. The degree of bone resorption and anatomical features must also be considered. It is also important to keep in mind that the implant components are designed to support teeth of different sizes. Therefore, to obtain an optimal result it is necessary to make a correct choice in the wide range of implant diameters and morphologies.
Bone quality and quantity are the most important factors to be evaluated in the preoperative analysis whatever the implant system to be used.
In particular, attention must be paid to two anatomical structures: one in the mandible (lower bone) and the other in the maxilla (upper arch). Mandible: the inferior alveolar nerve that runs in the mandibular body from its entry into the upright branch of the mandible to its exit at the level of the mental foramen; the offense of the inferior alveolar nerve involves a paralysis and anesthesia of the corresponding hemilabbro. Maxillary: maxillary sinus. Following superior posterior lateral dental extractions, the maxillary sinus occupies the space that was of the corresponding dental roots (pneumatization) thus significantly reducing the bone tissue.
In the upper jaw it is possible nowadays, following the progress of surgical techniques and bio-materials, to raise the floor of the sinus thus being able to place the implants and thus allowing fixed prosthetic rehabilitations that once could not be carried out.
Age in itself is not a contraindication to the use of implants. However, an older patient may have health problems that advise against implantology.
As for the adolescent patient where sometimes there is the need to replace dental elements that have been lost due to traumatic accidents, it is essential to wait until a complete bone development of the jaws is achieved, which must be evaluated for each single case.
The duration of dental implants is conditioned by various factors among which the most important are the patient's home hygiene, periodic check-ups and the patient's habits (smoking ... night bruxism ...). Studies conducted internationally have shown a success rate of 90% 10 years after implant placement.
The bones inside the oral cavity resorb and contract spontaneously following the extraction of a tooth or a root, up to 50% after one year; in addition, the use of removable prostheses increases the speed of resorption; all this can cause difficulties in positioning the implants due to the lack of foundations in which to insert them; however today, thanks to modern techniques of "guided bone regeneration (GBR)", very compromised situations and most of the cases can be resolved.
The time that elapses between the placement of the implants and their actual use largely depends on the type of use to be made and the amount of patient bone that determines the degree of stability of the implants.
If the conditions are favorable, the implants can be used immediately after their placement to restore from the single tooth up to the entire arch.